Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lil Mr. or Miss?

I'm trying my best, really, to not think about our gender appointment coming up. The more I think about it, the sloooower it will get here, right? Matt always tells  me, "Kristen, just enjoy this time. You don't want to rush it by." He is so right. SO right. Like I said before, I am truly loving being pregnant and experiencing this amazing miracle. But I just want to know...Lil Mr. or Miss? And c'mon, I know Matt thinks about it all the time too. :)

So, whats a girl to do while she waits patiently (or not so patiently) to find out? Do some gender tests of course! I really don't believe in this stuff, but it's kinda fun. Truthfully, before I got pregnant I thought the myths and tests were stupid (Yes, thank you for letting me know there is a 50/50 chance of the test being correct...duh.) But I cant afford a sonogram machine, so this is all I got people. 

So we tried the over-priced Gender Intellegence Test from Walgreens when I was 12 weeks.

It's pretty simple. It's some sort of powdery substance that you mix with your pee and wa-lah! It either turns a brownish/greenish color if its a boy or a yellow/orangish if its a girl. Mine turned brown/green...We're having a Boy! Not so fast...remember, in fine print, it nicely reminds us that there is 50/50 chance of being correct. Thanks.
So I took a few quizzes online. Are you craving sweets or salty? Salty. Are you carrying high or low? Low...I think. How is your skin? Clear or Breaking out? Clear, with a few here and there. Are you moody? Yes, dumb question (hehe, jk I'm not too bad). And so on...well whatta know. Mixed results. Half say GIRL, the rest say BOY.
On to the ring test. This was accurate for both Kourteny Kardashian's children, so it has to be right. You take your wedding ring and loop it onto a piece of string. You hold it above your belly...if it sways back and forth, its a lil boy. If it swings in a circle, its a lil girl. You can also try holding it about your wrist as well. Both my wrist and belly swung in a circle. This test goes to Team Pink.
And last, the Baking Soda test. This one involves using a disposable, I repeat, disposable, cup, adding a spoon of baking soda with a little of your urine. If it fizzes, you're having a boy and if it doesn't, its a girl. Well, I got nothing. No fizz.  Another point for the girls.
Now, I believe in the sayings "Go with your gut instinct", "Trust your gut, it's usually right." Throughout my whole pregnancy, I have had a gut feeling it's a boy. Even before I got pregnant, I always thought my first child will be a boy. I still think it's a boy. Either way, we are so in love with you, every little inch of you. And can't wait to learn more about you!

You are now the size of a sweet potato, you sweet lil tater tot!
(my sense of humor is a bit off too...)


  1. the ring test was right for both of my pregnacies. I didn't try any of the other ones. But when i was pregnant with Brighton I had dreams that he was a girl and when i was pregnant with Sterling I had dreams I was having a boy so I knew she was a girl lol. I'm looking forward to finding out what you are having!

  2. My intelligender test went both ways so I didn't believe that one but I agree with Heather, I always had dreams it was a boy before we found out it was a girl and my gut instinct was girl. I didn't do the ring test but I did the pencil test which is very similiar and it was right! It was also right for Amber and my mom. Can't wait to hear what your having!

  3. I love your blogs Kristin!! I'm jealous that you are finding out next week! We find out the 6th of November, can't wait! I haven't done any test, but this pregnancy is the exact opposite of what it was when I was pregnant with Elizabeth, I'm hoping that means it's a boy! Can't wait to hear what you are having!

  4. Can't wait to hear boy or girl! :) Take yourself shopping immediately after and let yourself splurge on some cute stuff!!!
