Sunday, October 28, 2012

baby boy hopkins

Well ya'll, it's a BOY! A sweet baby boy! My gut was right...and most of those silly tests were wrong.

Thursday, October 25 finally rolls around. Our appointment was scheduled for 9:20am. I had to get the earliest available! I was off work and Matt took the day off so he could come along. Of course I didn't sleep much the night before, it was like when you're a kid on Christmas Eve waiting to see what Santa brings you! Ironically, we did have a present waiting for us. Mr. Sam had left us a little gift over night...Yep, a big 'ole pile of poo in the hallway. He never does his business in the house. He knows something is up.

While we were driving to the OB, Matt mentioned he was nervous, but a good nervous. I can't imagine the feelings we will have 5 months from now when we are driving to the hospital to meet the lil guy! So we arrive at 9:10, took our seat in the waiting area and anxiously waited for my name to be called. 9:20 comes...and goes...9:30...9:50....What is going on! Just as I was about to ask, the sweet pregnant lady next to us mentioned the sonographer had gotten stuck in traffic and was running late. Of course she did. I've waited 18 weeks, I can wait a little longer. So 10:15 comes and it's finally our turn! Here we go.

Now the last time we saw the lil guy was when he was 8 weeks old, looking very similar to a blob. What we saw on the screen this time was an amazing, beautiful, precious, perfect baby. My heart was instantly his (or it's, we didn't know what it was yet).  I can't even explain the emotions I felt looking at the life inside me, wiggling and dancing around. Pure LOVE. Such a miracle.

So she begins measuring the length, the head, the arms, the legs...and bam. There it was. His boy parts. There was no mistaking it. He is not a shy boy. I instantly grabbed Matt's hand when she said "It's a boy! Congratulations!" and we both had tears and goofy grins on our faces.

There it is folks. He will be so embarassed I put this up someday.
I had to be that girl and ask, so he has 2 arms, 2 legs, his hearts working correctly, brain is developing, he's growing on track, etc etc etc. I even had to throw in there that I'm kind of a picture freak, so the more she wants to print out for us, the better.  He is half a pound and measuring right on track. We are so blessed...a HEALTHY baby boy. The deep love and emotions I felt during this appointment are so unreal. I can't even imagine the range of emotions I will feel when I hear you, hold you, see you...I can't wait.
We already have a name picked, but the world will have to wait until you are here to find out.  And I promise we will do as much as we can to prepare Mr. Sam...
See how excited he is?!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lil Mr. or Miss?

I'm trying my best, really, to not think about our gender appointment coming up. The more I think about it, the sloooower it will get here, right? Matt always tells  me, "Kristen, just enjoy this time. You don't want to rush it by." He is so right. SO right. Like I said before, I am truly loving being pregnant and experiencing this amazing miracle. But I just want to know...Lil Mr. or Miss? And c'mon, I know Matt thinks about it all the time too. :)

So, whats a girl to do while she waits patiently (or not so patiently) to find out? Do some gender tests of course! I really don't believe in this stuff, but it's kinda fun. Truthfully, before I got pregnant I thought the myths and tests were stupid (Yes, thank you for letting me know there is a 50/50 chance of the test being correct...duh.) But I cant afford a sonogram machine, so this is all I got people. 

So we tried the over-priced Gender Intellegence Test from Walgreens when I was 12 weeks.

It's pretty simple. It's some sort of powdery substance that you mix with your pee and wa-lah! It either turns a brownish/greenish color if its a boy or a yellow/orangish if its a girl. Mine turned brown/green...We're having a Boy! Not so fast...remember, in fine print, it nicely reminds us that there is 50/50 chance of being correct. Thanks.
So I took a few quizzes online. Are you craving sweets or salty? Salty. Are you carrying high or low? Low...I think. How is your skin? Clear or Breaking out? Clear, with a few here and there. Are you moody? Yes, dumb question (hehe, jk I'm not too bad). And so on...well whatta know. Mixed results. Half say GIRL, the rest say BOY.
On to the ring test. This was accurate for both Kourteny Kardashian's children, so it has to be right. You take your wedding ring and loop it onto a piece of string. You hold it above your belly...if it sways back and forth, its a lil boy. If it swings in a circle, its a lil girl. You can also try holding it about your wrist as well. Both my wrist and belly swung in a circle. This test goes to Team Pink.
And last, the Baking Soda test. This one involves using a disposable, I repeat, disposable, cup, adding a spoon of baking soda with a little of your urine. If it fizzes, you're having a boy and if it doesn't, its a girl. Well, I got nothing. No fizz.  Another point for the girls.
Now, I believe in the sayings "Go with your gut instinct", "Trust your gut, it's usually right." Throughout my whole pregnancy, I have had a gut feeling it's a boy. Even before I got pregnant, I always thought my first child will be a boy. I still think it's a boy. Either way, we are so in love with you, every little inch of you. And can't wait to learn more about you!

You are now the size of a sweet potato, you sweet lil tater tot!
(my sense of humor is a bit off too...)

Monday, October 1, 2012


15 weeks. I feel like I am at that point in my pregnancy where I am anxiously waiting. Your little bones are still too soft to feel you dancing around, you're not quite big enough for me to look pregnant (I call this stage, the 'Doughy' belly reminds me a bit of Pilsbury dough) and I don't know if you are a lil boy or a lil girl yet. The 12 week-16 week phase is well...kinda boring? Don't get me wrong, I am love love LOVING every little second of being pregnant. I just kind of wish I could feel you (sometimes I even lay real still and concentrate real hard), wish I could have that cute bump and finally know if we are going to be buying footballs and fishing poles or bows and ballet shoes. I am just so stinkin' excited, I cant STAND it.

At least I still have my doppler so I can hear the best sound ever. You will never know how each time I hear your heart, my heart absolutely melts and I can't wipe that big ole cheesy grin off my face. Lately though, its more like wipe those tears from my eyes. I can NOT hold them back. A song on the radio, a TV show, a sweet text, a picture, a memory...everything. And as if it were on they come right now! Sheesh. What a softy I am turning into.

So, the BIG appointment. I may or may not have a countdown. OCOTBER 25th is the day. We will know whether you are a sweet boy or girl. I have a confession...I kind of fibbed a little to the doctor. They wanted to schedule your BIG appt on November 7th. Seriously? No. So I told them that your dad had a football game and wouldnt be able to get off of work that day (hehe, sneaky huh?) so I told them October 25th would work best. Really, I just can't wait to find out. I will be 18 weeks, so it should be just fine. Lets just hope you cooperate and show us the goods :)

I have to say, your Dad and I finally agreeded on a name and I am so excited. We have two picked out if you are a girl and one if you are a boy. I LOVE THEM. I am going to do my best to keep them a secret until you are here :) But we all know how I am with secrets...

Dont let this photo fool you. Your big brother, Mr. Sam is very excited.